Next Wave Impact | Investor Education

Investor Education

Click on any of the boxes below to view educational offerings on the subject.  For some of them, you will need to add your name and email to enter, but they are all free and publicly available.

Many of the following videos and webinars are part of the education and training components of the Rising Tide Pilot Angel Training Program and were created by the Angel Capital Association, Go Beyond Investing, and Next Wave with support from the Kauffman Foundation.






How much time do you have?

5 Minute Brief (coming soon)

20 Minute Instructional Video

1 Hour Webinar


Best Practices in Impact Investing



Funding Startups

How much time do you have?

5 Minute Brief on Angel Groups (Manthi Nguyen)

20 Minute Instructional Video

Webinars ‐ The Angel Capital Association developed six new hour‐long webinars for the Rising Tide Pilot Angel Training Program. These programs are delivered live by top angels – often including the lead investors from our pilot fund – and archived for viewing at any time. Click on the webinar you wish to view (You will need to submit your name and email in order to view them)

These webinars intentionally overlap with some of the podcast programmings in order to build learning and understanding (sometimes people need to hear things twice or in a different way to really understand concepts) and they also provide those participating in the live programs to ask questions.